Post by loxanichs on Aug 5, 2013 0:31:04 GMT
At the request of one of our members, I have constructed this thread so those who suffer from hallucinations and/or delusions can come and share heir experiences in a place where others understand exactly how hey feel. Hope this is helpful in some way ^^;;
Post by kayleigh on Aug 5, 2013 0:42:31 GMT
my first delusion was of a hooded/cloaked man he sat waiting for me to be allone day and night so he could 'get me' the only way i could keep him at bay was to sing to him when i felt him arround second dellusion was people where watching me in mirrors and tracking/logging what i was doing this then switched back to the hooded/cloaked man again but lately im not just feeling or 'imagining' him ive seen him a few times i mostly hollousonate him and other thing when im verry down . singing to him dosent make him go away anymore either and when i ignore him he gets worse i also think hes going to bite my toes off when im sleeping so i allways make shure my feet are coverd when i sleep ..... i dont no why hes around i wish i did and you would think by now i would have got used to it but he scares me allot . the thing is i no hes not real but when im in the moment and i can feel or see him hes verry real to me
Posts: 11
Post by lily on Aug 9, 2013 21:14:39 GMT
I have cothard's syndrome or cothard's delusion which is where you think you are dead or people you know are dead .I have to wash and change my clothes a lot because I think I'm rotting,and other people will think I smell. I have days where I think someone has stolen my insides , I can spend hours thinking I've died .Also as soon as someone is out of my sight I think they are dead ...this imcludes my daughter when she goes out of the house until she comes back I'm convinced she'd died , if a friend doesn't ring for a day or so or even if I can't see the cat in the garden ..they are all dead.
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Post by martinlom on Aug 14, 2013 12:27:48 GMT
Would anyone mind if I posted in here as well? I only ask because I don't have conditions such as Schizophrenia but Personality Disorders (Borderline & Schizotypal Personality Disorder) that cause me to have frequent bouts of Psychosis & Delusions and I'm aware that there is a separate board for Personality Disorders.
Post by kayleigh on Aug 14, 2013 14:47:36 GMT
i dont think anyone will mind as its for holousonatins and delusins in general
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Posts: 80
Post by martinlom on Aug 14, 2013 15:00:48 GMT
Ah sorted I hope this comes out right but I've had the same delusion/hallucination about a cloaked/hooded Man. He used to follow me around for months. I couldn't always see him but I'd know when he was there.
Post by kayleigh on Aug 14, 2013 15:46:45 GMT
that made my tummy turn not.in a bad way but honestly thaught i was the only one if u read my poast the first one on hear you will see why he scares me its like i no hes there i no he is arround i can feel him watching me but sometimes i see him aswell ... hope it makes you feel a little better knowing your not the onlyone too
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Post by martinlom on Aug 14, 2013 22:14:11 GMT
It kinda made my tummy turn as well, and not in a bad way at all, when I read your post. It does make me feel better knowing I'm not the only one and I hope it does you too You're experience with the Hooded/Cloaked Man sounds quite similar to mine. Except I have to talk to him but that doesn't always work and I've also had to hide my feet at times when I'm sleeping because I was afraid he'd grab my feet/ankles and start dragging me, so if I know he's there I always hide my feet. When it's all happening I'm convinced of him being there (and with any other delusion/hallucination) but when he disappears for how ever long I'll be more aware that he isn't real but I'm still half convinced it is, if that makes sense?
Post by kayleigh on Aug 14, 2013 23:05:05 GMT
deffonatly dose make sence to me anyway when my cloaked man is there i call him dave when dave is there its so real i convinve myself hes rel if that makes sence and when he dose go.for a while im like yh hes not real but when he comes back hes real agen so hard to explain
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Post by martinlom on Aug 15, 2013 15:16:47 GMT
Yeah, that makes sense to me. I know it's hard to explain but to me that makes sense. Mine never had a name specifically, he was just the hooded man, so I guess The Hooded Man became his name in a weird way.
Post by astoldbyfrankie on Sept 14, 2013 16:30:29 GMT
I have a delusion that there's a puppet master controlling everything I do and he wants me to kill myself. It goes hand in hand with the voices who tell me to kill myself or they'll kill someone I love - I used to think everyone that died was my fault for not killing myself first. It's so scary.
Also, during manic phases I have grandiose delusions where I believe that I'm invincible, I can fly, I have magic in my blood etc. I was put on a section 3 because my team thought I would act on these delusions (well I kinda tried).
Strange that when you have a delusion or hallucination it feels so real but as soon as you're well again it sounds so silly, at least for me, because I get so convinced of these things when I'm ill.
Post by ladcalledwill on Sept 16, 2013 19:00:01 GMT
I used to have a lot of delusions before I took meds. I think what was most disabling was that after I while I started to form beliefs from the delusions, like someone was watching or monitoring me or that I was going to die.