Moved: race for life
Fancy a quick chat? Use our Shoutbox! Anyone found breaking the rules will be removed from the forum...So play nice!
Toni-Louise: At the top of the page there will be the words create thread click on it and you will be taken to a page where you can create your thread
Feb 15, 2014 14:08:46 GMT
Deleted: Welcome to all our new members
Feb 26, 2014 3:31:20 GMT
Manisha: get involved in therapy thursdays and our monday hangouts I want to see you all theree
Feb 27, 2014 18:31:09 GMT
Joe: New members! Have a look at Manisha's hangout thread! It'll be nice to see all your cheeky wee faces there!
Feb 27, 2014 18:42:05 GMT
Manisha: thanks gilly but yeah the hangout is open to everyone it will be quite introductory today so yeah nothing too serious reply to the thread if you want in
Mar 3, 2014 9:54:56 GMT
Joe: Hey guys! The forum has been alittle quiet recently! Lets all start spreading thw word and Get MiLO booming again!!
Mar 17, 2014 16:09:13 GMT
Katrine: Why is the logo still in "wintermode" with the snow and the hats?
Mar 20, 2014 16:56:38 GMT
Nick with OCD: don't know Katrine. You would need to speak to Kai and see if he can change it back
Mar 20, 2014 18:05:04 GMT
Deleted: We're having a Google hangout if anyone is interested
Mar 27, 2014 21:45:16 GMT
Joe: Only just over a week til the MiLO 24 hour football match! Lets spread the word guys!
Mar 28, 2014 17:21:07 GMT
Helen: The 24 hour football match is underway! To donate please follow this link:
Apr 5, 2014 12:09:50 GMT
Deleted: Informal hangout tonight folks?
Apr 10, 2014 17:20:30 GMT
Nick with OCD: stay tuned for some news about a great new event we are planning via hangouts
Apr 15, 2014 17:25:44 GMT